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Writer's pictureEthne Tierney

How is the Corona Virus affecting gymnastics?

If you are not bored enough of hearing about the epidemic the Corona Virus is causing, here is Her Releve's update on the impact of COVID-19 in Rhythmic Gymnastics and other FIG disciplines. We know, we know... everything these days seems to be related to this virus, but besides a public health risk, it's becoming a social problem that is affecting everyone's lives, including gymnasts and athletes. So, how does COVID-19 affect gymnastics?

  1. The Pesaro World Cup 2020

The World Cup series from the 3rd to the 5th of April has been postponed till the 5th to the 7th of June. The world cup has estop overs in Europe and Asia, Pesaro is always the first phase of the worlds, leaving us wondering what is going to happen to the rest of the following competitions. This year's World Cup series plays a determinant role on who qualifies for the Olympic so the aftermath of the problem of these events can have serious consequences if not solved effectively. However, Pesaro is going to be the last phase of the World Cup instead and the rest of the events will be run as normal, so there is nothing to worry about!

2. National Competitions and Squad training cancelled

Some gymnastics federations and governing bodies have cancelled all their activities meaning that for the moment national competitions, squad training, etc... won't be taking place. This would be the case of Ireland, Spain or Italy among others. Other governing bodies such as British Gymnastics will be running as normal.

Gymnastics Ireland's letter to their members noticing their cancellations due to the virus

British Gymnastics' information regardiding the virus on their website

3. Clubs closed.

Clubs are being closed leaving gymnast without any training sessions as a prevention measure. It is a necessary but risky move in some cases. Routines need to be fully performed regularly to improve, there is no doubt about that! Having no access to some equipment or no feedback from coaches can no only stop a gymnast's progress but it can be a step back in their training. As national competitions have been postponed or cancelled in most cases, this won't hopefully have a negative effect on scores. But the fitness, flexibility and skill of a gymnast can decrease and it is hard to get back to an optimal form after a long break. This is why we recommend practising at home as much as possible, especially flexibility exercises as it's easy to lose it.

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James Walsh
James Walsh
Mar 16, 2020

The only thing you can do to stay train at home


Mar 15, 2020

The corona virus is definitely a social problem at this stage. Athletes will have to practice at home, but limited space and resurces is not ideal. Stay safe folks!

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